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Please fill out this form with any questions or comments you may have for us!
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If you prefer to email us:
Please direct general inquiries to support@compostingcouncil.org.
Annual Conference Program, Certification, Continuing Education and Training questions can be directed to Teri Sorg-McManamon at tsmcmanamon@compostingcouncil.org.
Advocacy, Corporate Relations & Chapter Relations, DEIA questions can be directed to Linda Norris Waldt at lnorriswaldt@compostingcouncil.org.
Membership questions can be directed Eric Hudiburg, our Membership and Marketing Manager at ehudiburg@compostingcouncil.org.
Compost USE and Production, Seal of Testing Assurance (STA), Please direct questions to Frank Franciosi at ffranciosi@compostingcouncil.org.
Happy Composting, The US Composting Council Staff