DEIA Landing Page
What Diversity, Equity, Inclusion AND Access Looks Like at USCC

Statement on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility

“The USCC is committed to growing diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) within the organization and throughout the compost industry by institutionalizing DEIA in our operations and initiatives.” - adopted after development by the USCC Diversity and Equity Working Group and approved by the USCC BOD January 2022


15% - Companies with greater gender diversity are 15% more likely to show higher financials compared to their respective national industry medians, according to McKinsey and Co.

33% -Organizations in the top quartile for ethnic/cultural diversity on executive teams were 33% more likely to have industry-leading profitability

67%  - The majority (67%) of active and passive job seekers say that when evaluating organizations and job offers, it is important to them that the organization has a diverse workforce


DEIA Checklist

How YOU can begin, grow and expand DEIA initiatives

Use this checklist to get started identifying opportunities to increase diversity, equity, inclusivity, and access in your compost operations.

Focus Areas
Operations and Recruitment
Aim for diverse leadership and membership in all areas
Integrate DEIA principles in bylaws, policy manuals, and employee handbooks
Create a DEIA team to help bring perspective and intention to all your work
Incorporate diverse employee and volunteer backgrounds and cultural experiences into the day-to-day composting culture
Ensure that all processes to receive awards/bonuses/recognition are equitable
Develop plans and processes that ensure people of all genders, races, and abilities have equitable compensation and growth opportunities
Identify, measure, address, and report on any unintended consequences of company policies and procedures that disparately impact certain groups more than others
Meetings and Events
Increase partnerships in underrepresented communities
Be welcoming by using inclusive language and diverse engagement methods
Offer various options to explore accessibility and affordability
Information Management
Provide information in multiple languages when possible
Translate material for various audiences
Incorporate less "text heavy" signage
Increase universal graphics to convey messages

Please share

Sharing real-world experiences with USCC members will help all of us strengthen our work and the compost industry.

Please share ideas that can be considered for use in this DEIA checklist, in training modules and case studies, town hall dialogues, conference workshops, chapter talks and activities, and USCC programs.


Subject line: DEIA

DEIA resources

Questions on DEIA Committee
DEIA Webpage
Contact Linda Norris Waldt
Questions on DEIA Training
Contact Teri Sorg McManamon
Interested in sponsoring our work?
Contact Linda Norris Waldt

To join the DEIA Committee or learn more, contact Committee Chair Michelle Jackson or Staff Linda Norris Waldt